Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone and all the best for 2006. Thank you very much to everyone who voted for me in the BBC Radio nan Gaidheal Sports Personality of the Year Award. I came second with 8802 votes and 42% of the over all, so thank you all very much – I was so close.It’s been an amazing year with the CD coming out, winning the Camanachd Cup and all the music trips across the world which has been unbelievable.Thank you to everyone again for your continued support and i hope this year for you is just as good as last year was for me.
P.S Since yesterday’s performance in Rivercity I have been inindated with phone calls from different people but ITV have phoned and asked if i would like a part in Coronation Street as Vera Duckworth’s new toy-boy!!!
Bliadhna mhath ur, Gary